Proposed change to Licence Review Panel Terms

November 3, 2020

auDA is seeking public feedback on a change to the rules regarding appointments to the Licence Review Panel under the yet to be commenced .au Domain Administration Rules: Licensing.

As an outcome of the auDA Board meeting on 23 September 2020, the Board approved seeking public comment on this change for 21 days.

The proposed administrative change is to give the Board’s Selection Panel some flexibility with respect to appointing new members to the Licence Review Panel.

Given the volume of cases that may go to the Licence Review Panel is still unclear under the new licensing rules, it may be prudent to appoint some panel members for shorter terms, given that the volume of cases sent to the panel may be too low to justify engaging several panel members in the longer term. For reference, the current Registrant Review Panel, there is an average of one case per quarter.

The change is to Paragraph 3.8.15 of the .au Domain Administration Rules: Licensing.

Original wording:

“A Person is appointed to the Licence Review Panel for a period of three years, which may be extended by .au Domain Administration for another three year period with the agreement of the Panel member.”

Updated wording:

“A Person is appointed to the Licence Review Panel for a period of up to three years, which may be extended by .au Domain Administration for an additional term with the agreement of the Panel member.”

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