

  • Submissions open
  • Submissions closed
  • Submissions reviewed
  • Approved by Board

The .au Domain Administration Limited (auDA) is supported in its administration of the .au domain by a Registry Operator.

The Registry Operator is appointed for a fixed term.

In or around April 2023, auDA will release to the open market a request for tender (RFT) for a Registry Operator for the .au domain. 

In advance of the RFT, auDA has prepared an Exposure Draft Registry Service Description (Exposure Draft RSD) to provide information about the technical and administrative requirements that we anticipate we will require of the successful respondent to the RFT.  It is structured to provide an intuitive flow to the requirements of each service within the Registry System and succinctly define our requirements. 

auDA invites interested parties to provide feedback on this Exposure Draft RSD.  We will consider all feedback received and may incorporate it into the RFT documents.  

Interested parties should:

  • Note that we will not be responsible for any costs interested parties incur in providing feedback on the Exposure Draft RSD.
  • Not presume that the requirements ultimately set out in auDA’s RFT will be the same or substantially the same as those specified in the Exposure Draft RSD. 

Submissions for this consultation are now closed. The four submissions received are currently under review




The final Registry Services Description can be found on the 2023 Registry Tender Project webpage.