The creation and expiry dates of a .au domain name are not made visible in the public WHOIS information. 

To find out the creation date of a .au domain you are the registrant of, you can use the password/creation date tool.

Password recovery/creation date tool

When you complete and submit the form, an email will be sent to the registrant contact email address with a single-use link to the following information about your domain name:

  • domain creation date
  • domain expiry date
  • the sponsoring registrar's name
  • domain name password


Request a creation date for someone else's domain

A request for the creation date of a .au domain you are not the registrant of can only be lodged in the following circumstances:

  • as part of an auDRP complaint;
  • as part of an Australian court proceeding.

If you need to know the creation date for a domain which you are not the registrant of, you can submit a request via the creation date request form


Transfers and creation dates

When a domain is transferred between registrants or registrars, the creation date remains the same.

Expired names and creation dates

If a name expires and is purged from the registry and then re-registered, the creation date will be the date it was re-registered.





Category: Managing your .au domain name