Why become a .au member

.au members help auDA to shape the .au domain and receive access to exclusive member benefits.

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Member benefits

.au members enjoy a range of exclusive benefits:


Have your say

Get opportunities to have their say on matters related to .au and auDA.



Receive invitations to business and industry networking events with industry leaders.


Exclusive offers

Access discounts and special offers from auDA affiliate partners.


Stay in the know

Receive regular updates on industry research, trends and new developments in the global internet sector via our member newsletter.


Early access

Get early updates on auDA initiatives and consultations.



Cast their vote in auDA Board elections and important matters at our Annual General Meeting.

As a member, you can:

  • Have your say on key matters about auDA strategy and .au policies
  • Gain access to a range of insights and research into current and emerging issues from across the digital economy
  • Join a vibrant community and gain access to a range of member benefits.

.au members enhance our understanding of Australians’ use of the internet and deliver unique insight into Australians’ changing online needs and .au policy requirements.

.au membership is an inclusive program. We work hard to ensure the .au membership community reflects the Australian community.

With members’ support, auDA delivers a trusted .au and champions an open, free, secure and global internet. Learn more about auDA and our work

.au member Statement of Purpose

Developed in consultation with our members, the .au member Statement of Purpose articulates and defines the role of .au members within the organisation.

Affiliate partner offers

auDA members can access exclusive offers and discounts through our affiliate partners.

Registering .au domain names

.au membership provides regular updates and insights on .au domain names, but it does not provide members with special access to register .au domain names.

Join more than 5,462 members and help us shape the .au

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