Research reports

Discover insights and analysis the online experiences of Australians, explore the value the internet provides to Australia’s economy and learn about internet governance and policy.

Our latest research report

auDA's Why .au report explores why Australian small businesses and consumers turn to .au online, helping them build a trusted online presence and shop local.

Read why .au?

Our research

Digital Lives of Australians

Annual research reports into the online experiences of Australian consumers and small businesses.

Future Scenarios 2024

auDA’s Future Scenarios Project Report presents three scenarios with starkly different possible outlooks on the world and internet in 2044, developed with input from a diverse set of local and global experts.

Atlas of Australia Online 2023

The Atlas of Australia Online 2023 demonstrates that .au domain name registrations are a leading indicator of innovation and economic activity in Australia.

Why .au?

auDA's Why .au report explores why Australian small businesses and consumers turn to .au online, helping them build a trusted online presence and shop local.

A secure .au

auDA's A secure .au report sets out how auDA keeps .au trusted and secure for all Australians.

GDC Lessons learnt

Commissioned by auDA, this report provides an assessment of the contributions received by the UN Secretary-General in response to the online consultations on the Global Digital Compact (GDC).

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