Updating registrant contact information

It's extremely important to make sure you registrant contact details are up to date.  You can update your registration contact information via your registrar 

Keeping registrant data up to date ensures you can effectively manage your domain name. Out of date contact information can result in renewal notices being missed and domain names expiring.

Making a correction to registrant information

A ‘correction to registrant details’ occurs when a registrar changes the name of the registrant as listed in the registry database in order to correct an error made at the time of registration. This may also involve a name change in the relevant Government database where the ABN or ACN has not changed.

You can request a correction from your registrar.

Circumstances under which a registrar may process a correction to registrant details include:

  1. where the registrar or the registrant submitted incorrect data at the time of registration (eg. to correct a misspelling of the registrant’s name);
  2. where the domain name was incorrectly registered to the wrong party (eg. the domain name was registered in the name of a company employee instead of the name of the company, or the domain name was registered to the wrong entity within a group of related entities);
  3. where the domain name was incorrectly registered in the name of the reseller or other agent who arranged the registration; and
  4. where otherwise authorised by auDA.

However, if the intention is to change the entity that is listed as the registrant e.g. a new company, it must be done via a registrant transfer.   

Category: Managing your .au domain name