Proposed changes to the definition of Australian Presence and Not for Profit entity

December 22, 2023

auDA is seeking the Australian community’s input on proposed changes to the definition of 'Australian Presence' and 'Not for Profit' entity in the .au Domain Administration Rules: Licensing.

This is to ensure that foreign embassies and consulates (Embassy Registrants) are eligible to hold an domain name licence. This is important to ensure that Embassy Registrants are able to register a domain name licence in the name space. This will reinforce the trust  Australians have in the name space as they can be confident they are transacting with a legitimate Embassy Registrant. 

If only legitimate Embassy Registrants that have been approved by auDA can hold an domain name licence, the threat of abuse in the Domain Name System by cybercriminals impersonating foreign embassies or consulates in .au name spaces will be reduced. Therefore, the amendments seek to preserve the operational security, integrity and utility of the .au domain.

Proposed amendments

Definition of Australian Presence

It is proposed that the following additional subclause be added as a new subclause 18 after subclause 17 in the definition of Australian Presence in clause 1.4 of the Licensing Rules: 

18. a foreign embassy or consulate that has a representative office or headquarters in Australia as approved by the Australian Government from time to time.

Definition of Not for Profit Entity

It is proposed that the following additional subclause be added as a new subclause 12 after subclause 11 in the definition of Not for Profit entity in clause 1.4 Definitions of the Licensing Rules:

12. a foreign embassy, foreign consulate, or representative body of a country other than Australia or an external Territory, that is permitted to be in Australia by the Australian Government from time to time.

Submissions for this consultation have now closed.

Submissions are published below.


The auDA Board has reviewed the proposed amendments to the definition of 'Australian Presence' and 'Not for Profit' entity in the .au Domain Administration Rules: Licensing and .au Domain Administration Rules: Registrar.

The Board has approved the proposed amendments at their meeting on Tuesday 6 June 2023 and these changes are now in effect. The changes have been published in the policies below:

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