In 2017 auDA conducted a tender process to select a provider to provide services for the .au registry.
Identity Digital Australia (formerly Afilias Australia) Pty Ltd was appointed .au registry operator.
RFT Documents
Response documents
Key dates
- Issuance of REOI - 29 May 2017
- Close of REOI - 28 June 2017
- Draft Registry Technical Specification made available for comment - 21 August 2017
- Issuance of the RFT - 1 September 2017
- Close of RFT - 2 October 2017
- auDA consideration of tender responses - October 2017
- Commencement of contract negotiations - November 2017
- Appointment of Afilias Australia - 18 December 2017
Request for Tender Governance
The auDA Registry Transformation Project (RTP) Evaluation Committee evaluated the RFT responses and assessed the capabilities, benefits and risks of the tender responses, in consultation with:
- Registrar Liaison Committee;
- Tender Process Committee; and
- Tender Evaluation Committee
Summary of Changes to Registry Technical Specification
auDA released a Draft Registry Technical Specification for public comment on 21 August 2017. The below document summarises the changes made to the Draft based on feedback from auDA policy staff, auDA accredited registrars, auDA’s Tender Process Committee, auDA’s Tender Evaluation committee, respondents to auDA’s Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI), and the wider Australian Internet community.