The truth about .au domain names: debunking three common myths

Deciding on a domain name raises a number of questions: does it fit my needs, which domain name feels right, why should I go with a .au domain name rather than a different option? Amongst these questions are some assumptions and myths that simply don’t hold true. We’re here to debunk three common myths about .au domain names to help you and every other Australian realise what .au can do for you.

Myth #1: .au isn’t as well recognised as other domains

Much the opposite

.au punches above its weight: .au is the tenth most popular Top Level Domain (TLD) in the world, from a field of 1,500 TLDs, according to Verisign. That's an impressive outcome considering Australia’s comparatively small population.

There’s plenty of us: .au domain names support a massive number of Australians online, with 4.2 million registered .au domain names and counting.

.au is trustworthy: .au domain names are widely regarded as trusted and reliable – one of a slew of reasons why so many people choose .au. In fact, three of four consumers are more likely to trust an Australian business if the website ends in .au, and half of Australian consumers will only shop from website ending in .au.

Myth #2: Security is the same for all internet domains

Not even close

.au is world leading: .au has an international reputation as one of the most secure domains in the world. auDA and our many partners work diligently to keep .au’s rate of domain name system (DNS) abuse (which includes phishing, malware, botnets, pharming and associated spam) below 0.03 per cent, well below the global average.

We set clear rules for .au: Through the .au Licensing Rules, we set clear rules that determine who can register .au domain names and how they can be used. There’s also a clear and accessible complaints process so members of the public can submit .au domain name registrations for review. We develop .au rules with the community through multi-stakeholder processes to ensure they reflect community expectations.

We’re diligent about .au rules: We ensure compliance with these rules at multiple levels by conducting regular audits of .au domain name registration information. We also actively monitor daily threat intelligence feeds from security organisations to help ensure low rates of DNS abuse in .au.

Myth #3: .au has limited domain name options

Quite the contrary

.au is ready for business: and are Australia’s dedicated commercial namespaces, which support millions of Australian businesses, both big and small. You can get your or domain name by providing proof of Australian presence and information about your business.

Keep it short and simple with .au: Australia’s newest namespace – .au direct – enables the registration of domain names directly before the .au (e.g., providing a shorter, more memorable domain name option. .au direct is available to anyone with a validated Australian presence and is a great option for entrepreneurs, new ventures, hobbies, one-off events and campaigns.

A .au for everyone: In addition to, and .au direct, we offer a range of options, providing a .au domain name for every Aussie:

  • for not-for-profits and registered charities
  • for educational institutions
  • for government bodies
  • for community organisations and associations
  • for individuals.

Check out the range of .au namespace options that support the diverse needs of Australians.

Start your .au journey

Each namespace has specific rules about who can register a domain name in that given namespace, set out in the .au Licensing Rules.

Registering a .au domain name requires proof of Australian presence, which is validated when you apply. This could be providing documentation that you’re a citizen or permanent resident, that your business is based in Australia, or another requirement depending on which namespace you want to register in. Check Section 2.4 of the .au Licensing Rules to confirm what you need to get started.

Learn more about the different .au namespaces and their eligibility requirements, or find your perfect .au domain name today!

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