Note: The priority allocation period for .au direct domain names is now closed. See the latest information on the .au direct priority allocation process.
It’s common practice for businesses to register the same name across different namespaces, i.e. and After its launch on 24 March 2022, you may want to register a matching name in the new .au direct namespace. But first, you will need to take part in the Priority Allocation Process.
What is the Priority Allocation Process?
Priority Allocation is a process that provides existing registrants in the .au registry with the first opportunity to apply for the .au direct match of their existing domain name. For example, the current registrant of will have the first opportunity to register through the Priority Allocation Process.
The domain name needs to have been registered before the launch of .au direct.
When does the Priority Allocation Process start?
The Priority Allocation Process starts immediately after .au direct launches on 24 March 2022. It will run for six months, closing on 20 September 2022 (23:59 UTC 20 Sept / 9:59AM AEST 21 Sept).
How does the Priority Allocation Process work?
All .au direct domain names matching an existing name registered before .au direct launches will be placed on Priority Hold from 24 March 2022.
If you want to register the .au direct match of your existing domain name, you need to apply for priority status by 20 September 2022 (23:59 UTC 20 Sept / 9:59AM AEST 21 Sept). You can apply through your current registrar or another accredited registrar.
If you choose to apply through a different registrar (find your current registrar using the WHOIS tool), you will need to retrieve your priority token from the Priority ID Token tool. A priority token enables a registrar to confirm that you’re the current registrant of the existing domain name.
What happens if I don’t register for Priority Status before the end of the Priority Hold period?
If you don’t apply for priority status, your matching .au direct domain name will become available for registration by the general public after the Priority Allocation Process ends on 3 October 2022 (21:00 UTC 3 Oct / 8:00AM AEDT 4 Oct).
What happens if more than one registrant is eligible to apply for priority status for the same .au direct domain name?
Where you hold and another registrant holds, the domain name is referred to as a contested domain name. If your domain name is contested, the matching .au direct domain name is allocated based on Priority Categories.
What are Priority Categories, and how do they work?
The Priority Category you belong to will depend on when you registered your domain name. The categories are:
- Priority Category 1: Domain names registered before 4 February 2018
- Priority Category 2: Domain names registered after 4 February 2018.
For example, if you registered your domain name on 23 December 2017, you will be allocated to Priority Category 1.
The Priority Category system works like this:
- If you are a Category 1 applicant, you will have priority over Category 2 applicants
- If there are multiple Category 1 applicants, the applicants will need to reach an agreement amongst themselves on who is allocated the .au direct name
- If there are multiple Category 2 applicants, the applicant with the earliest registration date will be allocated the .au direct name.
How can I find out what category I belong to?
You can use the Priority Status Tool to find the Priority Category you belong to. The tool will also show matching domain names in other .au namespaces and the Priority Categories they belong to.
It also shows whether other registrants have applied for priority status for the matching domain name or if they have declined to apply.
Do I have to take part in the Priority Allocation Process if I have an existing domain name?
No. If you do not want to register your matching .au direct domain name, you don’t have to participate in the process and can decline to apply for priority status. You can do this via the Decline to Apply tool, which will be available on our website from launch.
Your existing domain name will continue to work as it does now, provided you keep your registration up-to-date.
Are all .au direct domain names subject to the Priority Allocation Process?
Domain names that don’t have an exact match registered in an existing .au namespace before .au direct launches (i.e. the name doesn’t exist in, etc.) won’t be subject to the Priority Allocation Process. You can register these ‘new’ .au direct domain names via an accredited registrar immediately after the launch of .au direct.