National campaign: Aussies get it

This week auDA launched a new digital marketing campaign to drive awareness of the .au direct domain namespace among Australians. 

Developed by Dentsu Creative, the national campaign features uniquely Australian items that Aussies intrinsically understand (or “get”) such as fairy bread or an Aussie Rules football. It acknowledges that Australians instantly recognise .au represents a uniquely Australian online presence. 

For Australian businesses, entrepreneurs, not-for-profit organisations and individuals building a profile online, .au direct is a valued option that carries the trust of Australian consumers. Research conducted by auDA shows:

  • Australians are more likely to trust a website ending .au 
  • The majority of Australians look for a .au website first when buying online
  • 53 per cent of Australian consumers will only buy from a website ending in .au.* 

auDA Chief Communications Officer Sophie Mitchell said, “auDA is pleased to launch its new campaign highlighting Australia’s newest domain namespace, .au direct.

“.au direct is a great choice for Australians building an online presence with an Australian audience in mind. We encourage entrepreneurs, creatives, hobbyists, influencers, those hosting events or launching new products to consider a .au direct because, simply put, Aussies get it.” 

Since launching in March 2022, more than 740,000 shorter, simpler .au direct domain names have been registered, making .au direct the second most popular Australian namespace behind only 

The campaign extends auDA’s .au direct awareness campaign launched in February 2022 to coincide with the launch of the new namespace. The campaign will run on digital channels from November 2023 to February 2024.   


Note to media:

*auDA market research conducted by Sagacity Research (March 2023)

.au direct allows internet users to register domain names directly before the .au (e.g. For information about .au direct, visit the auDA website and the .au blog

Campaign microsite 

Campaign credits 

Agency: Dentsu Creative 

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